Hi Vis Theme not showing in C 5.7 Help

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I bought your theme a while back when new to concrete5 not understanding that it was needed on a version 5.7 site. I did assign it to a test 5.6 site just to see if it worked but now need to use it for my client on C 5.7. site being built.
Theme appears in the project page and is assigned ok but I can't get it to appeaar in the theme list so it can be activated. We have a presentation on Monday and really like to show the theme to the client.
Can you let me know what I need to do to activate the theme in 5.7 site?

Many thanks

Clive Smart

Digital Media 24 Ltd

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
1976Ltd replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have a site that is connected to the community (by logging into your Concrete5 account) you can go to the Dashboard on your website and click on "Extend concrete5", the theme package should be waiting to install there if you have assigned the license to the same domain.

Or to manually download it (if you want to use FTP to upload the theme):

If you go to your profile on Concrete5.org and click on Transactions > Licenses you should see an entry for the theme and a Download Archive link on the right.
dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

Thanks for your reply. See in the attached pdf what the issue is with automatic installation fro the C5 site.

I'm new to C5 so have not manually installed theme as yet.
Is the version of the theme I download correct for 5.7?

Many thanks

dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply
Just saw where do I assign the licence to the domain as I cant see that as an option?
dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Just tried to do a manual install so unassociated it from site then downloaded but received the error in the attached pdf file.

Thanks for any help
dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you verify if Hi Vis works with 5.7 as I i can't seem to see any where that it does?

I'm getting an error that the controller is corrupt, but I'm guessing that's because it's for 5.6 not 5.7?

Any help/information appreciated.

dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you verify if Hi Vis works with 5.7 as I i can't seem to see any where that it does?

I'm getting an error that the controller is corrupt, but I'm guessing that's because it's for 5.6 not 5.7?

Any help/information appreciated.

1976Ltd replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Clive,

Sorry for the slow response, I've been out of range of internet and cellphones for a few days.

The version of Hi-Vis you bought back in March was from the 5.6 marketplace and will only work with 5.6 versions of Concrete5. I see that you just purchased a 5.7 version too. This should install correctly in Concrete5.7 versions without any problems.


dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Gareth

Thanks for getting back, everything is fine now thanks once I bought the latest version!


dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply
Also I forgot t say.. is there any way of just showing the second level nav as I'm using a multi lingual site setup.. its no problem to ajust the code for me if you can give me some pointers be appreiciated.

1976Ltd replied on at Permalink Reply
dm24 replied on at Permalink Reply
Tought it was in that code..thats sorted it for me. Thanks!

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