Hide safari search bar in landscape an portrait

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You've made an awesome theme, thank you so much!

I do have a small request though: iOS Safari on my iPhone 6 will hide the search and tool bar when scrolling in landscape and portrait mode normally, but with your theme on my page it's very random. It only hides upon initially loading the website, but as soon I touch the menu button, the search bar and tool bar come back and the menu stops working. Furthermore, the search bar and tool bar become permanently fixed at this point even when scrolling. To fix it I have to close the window and load a new one. Reloading repairs the menu functionality but the search and tool bar remain fixed. I haven't touched any core theme files, only small edits I've found on the forms that are done through the custom CSS in concrete5.

Any ideas?


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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

first, thanks for the kind words!

SInce iOS 7.1, there's a new feature that might do exaclty what you need.

If you have access to the theme files via FTP, you can try editing the "header.php" file, and changing line 9 to:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimal-ui">

(By adding the "minimal-ui" metatag, both the top and bottom bars should be minimized)

Please let me know if this works for you. Also, if you don't have access to the theme files, let me know and I'll try to update the theme during the week.


ticachurch replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked like a charm, it's beautiful, thank you! I will recommend this theme to all my friends for sure, great service!

While I'm at it, I have another question. I read the forum question about google font weights but I can't seem to apply any weights. If I type in Lato:100, the font goes back to the default theme font. The custom attributes seems to only work with regular fonts. Any ideas? I even tried going into the block's html and plugging in "font-weight: 100;" under the style to no avail.

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

If you need to use a specific weight of Google Fonts, there are two things you'll need to do:

1. You can still use the Page Attribute to load the Google Font, adding the weight you want like you're doing now: Lato:100.

2. Next, go to Dashboard -> Themes -> Long Story Short Parallax -> Customize -> Add Your CSS and add the following code:

If you want to use this font for the body text:

.slides-container {
   font-family: 'Lato' !important;
   font-weight: 100;

If you want to use this font for the headings:

.slides-container h1, .slides-container h2, .slides-container h3, .slides-container h4, .slides-container h5, .slides-container h6 {
   font-family: 'Lato' !important;
   font-weight: 100;


ticachurch replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot! Really appreciate your fast replies.

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