Landscape mode on a phone

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Is there a way to control the header when it's in landscape mode on a phone? I've added a logo that adds to the height. It's perfect in portrait mode. In landscape it eats up too much real estate. Is there a workaround? I'd be just fine hiding it in landscape. Everything I do controls the display in both portrait and landscape.

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jordif replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

I'd recommend using media queries. For instance, you could add this CCS:

@media (max-width: 767px) and (orientation:landscape) {
   .navbar .pull-left {
      display: none;

This should hide your logo in devices with a screen width under 768px and in landscape mode.

You could go a step further to make sure this only affects mobile devices:

@media (max-width: 767px) and (orientation:landscape) {
   .mobile .navbar .pull-left {
      display: none;

Maybe you'll need to adjust the "767px" value to suit your needs.

Hope this helps!

bjalexander replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! I included all the ".navbar" stuff and it works like a charm.

This has been the most wonderful theme to design with. Everything is SO clear. Really a pleasure to use.

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