Adding images to the header background

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My clients have requested that I put an image/logo at the top right of the header that would be around 300px wide and 125px deep. Is there a way that I could create a background image for the header that could include that image (and maybe another on the left top) or is there another way to add image blocks for those images?

The url for the website is here:

Thank you,


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Status: Resolved
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pilipala replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lisa,

There is no way to do this as the theme currently is as there is only one editable area in the top menu for the logo. You could of course add some extra editable areas to header.php. Or you could add the images directly in header.php if the client doesn't need to edit the images. You will find header.php is located in salix \themes\salix\elements

You may find it helpful to try an internet search for Bootstrap navbar with image on right or whatever your client wants. For example, a quick search showed me this example that sounds similar to what you were describing:

If you need assistance customising the theme to your client's requirements, please feel free to contact us for an estimate.



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