Logo only shows in edit mode

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I purchased this last summer, but had to put a hold on the project. I hope you can help me.
Two issues:

1. The logo only shows up when you are logged into the site....otherwise, says image not found.
2. I am trying to get the logo to hang over the main container, and cannot get it to do so. I set the z-index to 1000, but still doesn't work.


let me know if you need login.

thank you.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know how this got in pre-sales, I bought the template.

Can you please shed light on this problem?

thank you.
sarah3585 replied on at Permalink Reply

It's not an issue I've ever heard of before. What is the format of the image? Have you tried another image to check there isn't a problem with that particular one?
stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
THANK YOU. Duh. A different image - a .jpg rather than png worked.
However, how can I get that to overlap the next section... I had it working at one point, and I really don't remember how.

here is how my logo container is defined:
#skyline-container .logo-container {float:left; width:300px; display:block; z-index:1000;}

I want the logo to hang down a bit over the rectangle that is directly below it.

thank you!!!
sarah3585 replied on at Permalink Reply
You would need to use position:absolute but I would only use that on the largest media query. Position absolute takes it out of the flow of the document and it will cause issues on the mobile view.
stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your help!

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Skyline (0.9.6).

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