Unable to load external form from packages

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I would like to create a package where I could put my external form.

I tried it but it seems like external form block was not able to load forms from packages.

What will I do to make external form block load my forms from packages?

Thank you.

miguelgilmartinez replied on at Permalink Reply
I have this same issue. I 've tried everything, but it doesn't work. I look forward this feature as soon as possible, 'cos I have many external_forms in many different C5 installations.
nerdess replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah i got the same issue in concrete5 5.5.0
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I *HATE* the external_form block. It has caused me nothing but problems and I never use it anymore. Instead, I have some boilerplate code for a contact form block that I build out my custom forms with instead. Here it is if you want to use it for yourself:
removemeplease replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the boilerplate. I'll check it out. But for now, I'm still very concerned that I don't know what to do with my inaccessible homepage (where I was trying to put my external form).

Has anyone found any resolution?
removemeplease replied on at Permalink Reply

Go into your Dashboard > Full Sitemap
Click on the page where you tried to add the external form and select Versions from the menu that pops up.
Select a previous version of the page, before you tried to add the external form, and click the Copy icon in the top right corner of the window.
Check the new copy (should be at the top of the list) and click the Approve icon in the top right corner of the window.

You just rolled back your page so there's no external form. Hooray! Now you can access it again. Hooray!

Now, here's a thread I found with the procedure for adding an external form so that things don't break. I just tried it and it works! Hooray x3!


One more note: It appears to take some time for the database to recognize changes to your external forms and their respective controllers, so take it slow and don't panic if you get a database error. Just walk away for a couple minutes, come back, and hit refresh.

Hope this helps.