Ability to embed form fields data (data entered by user) into confirmation email immediately upon submission by user.

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Can I embed specific data fields (data entered) into the confirmation email immediately upon submission by the visitor (almost like a data merge) - so that they receive a copy of specific information entered, along with ALL the data they entered into the various data fields?

For instance:

Dear <name/>,

Thank you for visiting our website and giving us your suggestions for item A; "<item-A-suggestion/>".

We also noted your comments on item B; "<item-B-suggestion/>". We will review these comments as well.

Additionally, following is a complete list of the information that you submitted for all of the other answers in our application form.


Thank you - if you have any revisions after review, please contact us immediately.

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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hursey013 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm wondering the same thing - is this possible?
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can structure the confirmation email template just as you would a Data Display detail template. So it would actually look more like:

Dear <field name="Name" />,

This is as of version 1.4.2.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
A clarification - you do also have Data Display installed for this to work.
MATRiXX5252 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your response. I do not have Data Display installed. Do I need to purchase this ADD-ON for this feature to work? (as you have described) Or, will your recommendation work without Data Display? Will the bundle price still be available? Thank you!
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you would need Data Display in order for it to work. It doesn't use the Data Display block or back-end pages, but it does use some of the PHP classes and functions within Data Display in order to properly parse the confirmation email template.

If you're interested in purchasing it, let me know and I can give you a discount on Data Display so that it will equal out as though you had purchased the bundle ($20 off).
MATRiXX5252 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds like a plan - I'll go ahead and purchase Data Display. I'm assuming that it integrates seamlessly so that I can simply add the <filed name="filed name" /> codes embedded within the confirmation email. Thank you for your efforts - and extending the bundle pricing - let me know what I need to do to purchase Data Display ASAP and install!
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
PM'd the discount link to you.
MATRiXX5252 replied on at Permalink Reply
Confirmation email works perfect. Thank you. The client has posed a few questions - perhaps you may be able to answer them:

1. There are age restrictions for the applicant. Is there a way to validate against birth dates entered to determine if they are outside the range: (i.e., if 30-yrs old were the requirement, a birth date of 1/3/92 would be wrong; should be before 00/00/81) ALSO: the applicant could not select a drop down when I used the calendar field option - it there a bug in this option field?

2. Only certain residents can apply for this competition - is there a way to validate that ONLY certain states are accepted? (i.e., if only VA, MD, and DE were acceptable answers, can the applicant be advised perhaps, "Your state is not available for entry into this competition..." [if say, Montana was entered]

3. Is there a way to validate if the phone # field has erroneous numbers in it? (i.e., 000-111-2222 would be an incorrect entry in phone field)

4. Is there a way to test if data was entered within 5 of 5 fields; then advise applicant that, in the event they only answered 4 of 5 fields, they might be a validation process and a message, "All 5-fields must be answered to submit application. Please check your answers and try to resubmit"

Here's the link for the online (unpublished while testing) form: http://www.annapolisopera.org/vocal-competitions/application-proced...
brendangriffin replied on at Permalink Reply
I see this thread is a little old...but

Where is the email template?
I am using C5.5
Advanced Forms - 1.7.3
Data Display - 2.5.1

I wan to include the form data in the user confirmation email.

Regards, Brendan
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply

concrete5 Environment Information

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