Can't submit forms on – Possibly MySQLi related

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Advanced Forms broke under on a client's site. I believe I know the cause, as I was able to change the code and issue a fix. My theory is this:

1. Per the update notes on (, concrete5 5.6 now uses the MySQLi extension if it's available. This can lead to better performance.
2. The mysqli extension behaves slightly differently in certain situations. I believe the multiple $db->Insert_ID() calls within the answer set create function were returning incorrect results, as this really should have been assigned to a variable and only called once.

I fixed this by changing this code in models/answer_set.php around line 162:

$db->execute("INSERT INTO sixeightformsAnswerSets (asID,fID,dateSubmitted,dateUpdated,ipAddress,creator,editCode,amountCharged,isApproved,cID,recordID) VALUES (0,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",array($fID,$timestamp,time(),$ipAddress,$uID,$editCode,$totalPrice,$approvalStatus,$cID,$recordID));
   if($recordID == 0) {
      $db->execute("UPDATE sixeightformsAnswerSets SET recordID = ? WHERE asID = ?",array($db->Insert_ID(),$db->Insert_ID()));
   $as = sixeightAnswerSet::getByID($db->Insert_ID(),0,$getAnswers);

to this:

$db->execute("INSERT INTO sixeightformsAnswerSets (asID,fID,dateSubmitted,dateUpdated,ipAddress,creator,editCode,amountCharged,isApproved,cID,recordID) VALUES (0,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",array($fID,$timestamp,time(),$ipAddress,$uID,$editCode,$totalPrice,$approvalStatus,$cID,$recordID));
$asID = $db->Insert_ID();
if($recordID == 0) {
   $db->execute("UPDATE sixeightformsAnswerSets SET recordID = ? WHERE asID = ?",array($asID,$asID));
$as = sixeightAnswerSet::getByID($asID,0,$getAnswers);

I also fixed all other $db->Insert_ID() calls to assign them to a variable first, but I don't know if any others are actually being called multiple times so I don't imagine much else needs to change. This fixed our issue.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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circ replied on at Permalink Reply
I just posted the exact same thing. I swear I didn't see this.
ebmudcom replied on at Permalink Reply
I am seeing this issue as well.

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