Could Multi Select Field create multiple CSV rows?

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Is it possible for the multiselcet field to create multiple rows in the csv export option?

Say I have a runner and he enters 3 races by using the multi-select field.
One line in the output CSV would then look this
Joe, Bloggs,address,age, RaceA,RaceB,RaceC

I would like the csv to be formatted like so
Joe, Bloggs,address,age,RaceA
Joe, Bloggs,address,age,RaceB
Joe, Bloggs,address,age,RaceC

i.e an individual row for how ever many Race colums are selected on form submit.
This way its easy to create an autofilter in excel to isolate a list of entrants in a particular race.

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canalcop replied on at Permalink Reply

If it helps I am prepared to pay for this feature
It does everything else I need :-)

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