Display form after submitting.

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I am using the advanced forms as a way to submit time sheet records 1 record at a time. I would like to be able to keep the form visible after submitting, so they can easily submit again. I still like the message that appears but I would also like to display the form again.

Is there a way to do this? I couldn't find it in any of the settings.

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canalcop replied on at Permalink Reply
I would be interested in similar functionality to this also.
My application is for paid for event registration and the user may have multiple entries.

The option of resubmitting previously entered data would avoid the user having to re-enter his contact details multiple times.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you mean on the back-end? If so, no this isn't possible right now. But here's another solution that would accomplish the same effect:

1. Create a new page - set permission to viewable by admin's only (if necessary)

2. Add the form to that page.

3. In the form's setting, set it to redirect back to that same page after the form is submitted.

In doing this, it will display the form again after it has been submitted.
canalcop replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply,
This will display the form but the entered data is cleared which is not exactly what I am looking for.
Say you want to enter 3 races or whatever. When making an entry only the race will change your contact details remain the same. So what I am wondering is if its possible to make the entered data persistent between submissions so that when the form is submitted the first time the second time round the user only needs to change the event and resubmit rather than having to enter all his details again.
jstrong replied on at Permalink Reply
I was about to submit the following but it applies to this thread:

Some of my users enter mass sets of related information. During these submissions, it would be ideal if some fields could be cleared after submitting while other fields could retain their values.

For instance, specify which fields maintain their just-entered values across postbacks (during form creation, or with checkboxes next to each field or something), and which are cleared out.

If it's something that requires a lot of hassle/would greatly complicate the interface/too specialized to provide to add to your code base, I can shut up and start using CSV Import :).

Just an idea.
jstrong replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Justin just wondering if you ever looked at this again. I would be willing to pay extra for such an enhancement (the ability to select which fields persist across postback and have those not clear out during successive submissions). Could maybe somehow make use of query string to keep it easy, since you already have parameter support built in.

By the way, really love the Rules system you added - I was using that within 5 minutes of downloading the update! Nice job, much appreciated and very useful. -J

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