How to change E-Mail formatting?

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Hi there,
I need some help to change the way the E-Mail, being sent when submitting the form, is formatted.

By default all lines in that email have normal styling. What I need is that the field name has a normal font-styling but the user-entered value is displayed in bold font.

Can someone please provide me some information on how to accomplish this?

Thank you very much.

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jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
I literally just added this feature yesterday, but it requires the Advanced Forms add-on as well. Basically, you can use Data Display templates as the content for notification emails.
transp0rter85 replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you provide me with further information on how to proceed?
Maybe, if what I need is possible, buying the addon would be an option but I need some information on how to accomplish my task.

Thanks :)
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I just realized that I said it requires the Advanced Forms add-on...I meant that it requires Data Display.

Once you install Data Display, you'll get a few new options within your Advanced Forms of which is to use a Data Display template at the email notification. The Data Display template, basically lets you format the data from the form record however you want (using placeholders for the fields) within an HTML template. An example would be something like this:

<td><field name="Name" /></td>
<td><field name="Email Address" /></td>

The <field /> elements get replaced by the actual data when the email is sent.
BrakesPlus replied on at Permalink Reply
Could I embed an image into the email/template that is being generated?

What I'd like to do it have a simple input form, with an area to enter an email address, selections to choose an offer, and then have an email generated and sent to the email address with an offer in the body of the email.

Right now I use Extended Form 2.6, and I can send the email with an attachment, but I'm hoping to make it more personalized - including the form date, so that when the user prints out the email, the information shows up on top of the artwork embedded in the email.

I'm not sure I'm explaining that correctly! Maybe I should go find that other add on you're talking about and see what it's capable of.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can add any sort of HTML you'd like, including an image. You'd just have to know the full path to that image, as in:

<img src="" />

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