Sellable Item

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Can you give me some more details on the sellable item option? I would like to have a form that a customer fills out, attaches files to, and submits after a payment transaction. You touched on linking with paypal in your intro video. Is this what you are referring to?


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jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, sellable item is used to do just that...sell an item, be it a ticket to an event or an actual physical can even be used to gather donations. I just responded to another question about the whole eCommerce/payment portion of this add-on, essentially saying the features exist - they're even in use on some sites I run - they are just not documented yet.

Integration with Paypal does come with the add-on and is relatively easy to setup. I'll see if I can put together a screencast on how to setup a sellable item using Paypal to accept payment.
camdenroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! Thanks for the information and a screencast would be fantastic.
camdenroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello jgarcia. I completed the purchase of the addon but want to see if you can expand on the paypal integration of it? The help shows this:
You must have a payment gateway installed in your root /element folder in order to use this feature. Full documentation regarding payment gateways coming soon.

Can you provide some guidance?

jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's a screencast on how Paypal integration works:

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