Set up form for PayPal with multiple products

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I need to create a form that allows the user to select from several options, each of which has a different price. For example:

Package A: $100

- or -

Package B: $175

- or -

Package C: $210

How do I do this so that the Package selected and the associated price are passed to PayPal?

Sorry in advance if this is a question with an obvious answer...

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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zavoodi replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems like this (and several other messages along this line) could be resolved if we could only set the name attribute of a select element, define the value, and define what is displayed to the user. As it is now, the name attribute is created programmatically, and the value and what's displayed is what's typed into the option box.

Or, you could make the sellable item have an option for multiple items (a select menu, for example).

Or you could create a rule that would say "If [field] value [is/is not] [value] then set [field2] value to [value]". Then I would create a select item with descriptions, and then use a hidden field to store the amount.
zavoodi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, developer, are you there?
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I was out of the country last week. Thanks for your patience in me getting back to you.

Basically what you said is right. The best way to do it would be to setup 3 Sellable Item fields with Min Qty = 0, Max Qty = 1, and Increment = 1. This basically gives you three checkboxes and the user could simply check the one they want.
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there - New to AF, and found this thread helpful. I'd like to do the same thing here - but would like to be able to set this up so that ONE ITEM of the THREE is required.

Currently, I can submit the form without the checkbox ticked - which I don't want to be able to do. But setting all 3 sellable items to required means all three have to be checked.

I tried using a rule to hide the others but the required field still persisted.

The values aren't incremental - $15, $35, $75. Could recommend a way to accomplish this?

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