Some improvements

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There could be some improvements for this addon. especially because this is a expensive addon.

1. the option to edit or delete own submitted items could be better integrated with data display. an insert type to get an edit/del button on the table display. because when a user has no rights to come in the dashboard it won't be able to delete his submissions.

2. conditional notifications to specific groups (so send emails to the emails of a specific group)

3. User sort and search with the data display doesn't work.

4. field explanation. (?) icon behind or in front a field which can be used as a rollover with an explanation of the specific field

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Couple o' responses...

1. This option exists. See the last item under "Template Placeholders" on the Data Display documentation page.

2. I like the idea. I'll see about adding it.

3. I'll check on these. If I come across problems, I'll check get it fixed and post a new version. In the meantime, with regard to searching, make sure that: 1 - the field you want to search is set to be searchable in the field settings, and 2 - that the form data has been indexed (records -> index records, or automate the Index Records job).

4. I'll see about adding that.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
The user sort bug has been fixed. I'll add 2 and 4 to the road map. That should cover everything!

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