Some users get Connection error during validation on on successful form submission

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I have received messages from several users who say that they get the same error message during incomplete validation and after a successful submission. It is the Connection Error:

"You seem to have gone offline. Please verify your [sic]connexion." *

When the messages are sent, they seem to go through. I have only been able to duplicate the issue on my iPhone. I have a feeling it may be a connection timeout, but I don't know enough PHP to test for this.

The site is currently on an economy hosting plan with GoDaddy. This issue was not happening on the staging site, which was hosted on a VPS with a different company.

* Also Please Note: The word "connection" in that error message is spelled incorrectly.

Type: Ticket
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

That message appears when there's an error with status 0. That means the browser refuses to honor the request but the error is undefined. That could happen for several reasons:
- requesting a URL that is unreachable (typo, DNS issues, firewall, server having a configuration issue)
- the server was down or not responding
- the request is otherwise intercepted for instance by an ad blocker
- if the request is interrupted (browser navigates away from the page)

In any case it is always a network or server issue. A connection timeout could be a reason but the script is set to time out after a whole minute so it seems unlikely. Possible but unlikely.

I can't say that's the reason for sure, but in my experience, GoDaddy is not a reliable host.

As for the typo, thank you. My first language is French and that's the French spelling :) I'll correct it.
vergedesign replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you for your quick response and explanation. I assume it is an issue with the server reliability, and will suggest the client reconsider his hosting choice. I despise GoDaddy, but the client has the domain registered there, and wanted to keep it all under one roof.

One follow up question: Why would the error come up during validation? Isn't that done on the client side?

Thanks again,
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to be sure, if you see anything in the site's log that looks strange to you and could be related, please let me know what it is.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
I used to have my domain names registered at GoDaddy until I discovered pretty much everybody else was half-price and had a better interface :)

There is no validation on the client side, it's all server-side in PHP. In an express form, each input is an attribute. So validation takes place in the attribute's controller, server side. There is nothing on the front end, no input attribute of any kind, to allow client-side validation.
vergedesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Gotcha. Thanks for the reply.

Believe me, if it was my decision I would have this hosted on the server that was the furthest away from GoDaddy's facility.

concrete5 Environment Information

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