Display errors with the "tooltip" effect like when submitting invalid email

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I'm LOVING the Ajax Form add-on... especially the Tableless Layout (SOOO much easier to style)! THANKS!

I've got everything working pretty much the way I want it to, except for error processing. I'd rather not have the error message inserted into a div right above the form. What I'd REALLY love to happen is to have a "tooltip" effect open up, showing the error message. Just like when you input an invalid email address into an email field and then hit submit.

Can someone point me in the right direction to get that to happen?


- John

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
First you'll want to figure out how the tooltip will be displayed with just javascript/html/css. I'd suggest making a static html page (outside of Concrete5) with a form on it and having it show your tooltip the way you want it. Once you've got the code for that working, then I can show you how to integrate it with the ajax form.
arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Will do. In the meantime... any thoughts on where I can look to find where the email error "tooltip" is coming from? I've been scouring through the AJAX Form code and the standard form block code, but can't seem to locate anything that looks like it would be it.

Attached is a screen shot of what it looks like (and I swear... I haven't done ANY styling/coding to make this happen!).


- John
arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Reply

That "tooltip" that's showing is because the email input has a "type='email'" attribute... so the BROWSER is doing the validation and popping the "tooltip"!!!

DUH! No WONDER I couldn't find anything, anywhere, in any of the form block, form controller, or AJAX Form files that had that referenced!!!

I think I'll just use an alert box, then, to display the warnings/error messages if attempting to submit the form without completing the required fields.


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