Doesn't work on Safari (10.1), macOS Sierra as well as iOS 10.3.1

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i just found out that for my Site, while Smooth Scrolling works nicely on Chrome and Firefox, it doesn't work at all on Safari, but interestingly, on your demo, Smooth Scrolling refuses to work only as soon as the window gets smaller than 992px (this is estimated, but i'm pretty sure it is that value).

By the way, there is no problem with this smooth scrolling script for example on Safari:

Do you think, also as regards the behavior on your demo, that this could be an issue related to media queries?

Thank you,

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Status: Resolved
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ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Wierd... it worked for me in Safari 10.0.2 in Sierra 10.12.2

.... I used my live demo as the test. Can you test it there to see?

Its running an older version of the add-on.
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, i just tested it again.
It's only Safari where Smooth Scrolling doesn't work. No Problem with all other browsers (Firefox, Delphin, Chrome... even Internet Explorer 11)

On my iPhone:
Safari just jumps to anchors instead of scrolling smoothly. My site is affected as well as your demo, so the version of the add-on seems to make no difference in this case.

On MacBook Pro:
When i try your demo on Safari on my MacBook, Smooth Scrolling works at full window width, but it stops working as soon as the window is narrowed to a certain width of approximately 950 Pixel (breakpoint?).
Strangely, when i try the same (MacBook, Safari) with the latest version of Smooth Scrolling on my site, it works perfectly.

Currently i need Smooth Scrolling only for mobile, not actually as eye candy, but for usability reasons, to let the user know what is happening after tapping the link "Menu" which targets an anchor on top of a menu on the lower part of the page. He wouldn't be aware of what's going on when the browser just jumps to the anchor.
That's why i would be very happy of course if it also worked on iPhone + Safari.
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok so if I read correctly...
Unmodified version works in Safari? But that version does not apply to smaller screens?

So I uploaded new version (1.2) which includes the width now as a setting.
So you can set it to 0 and see if it works.

Please let me know.

okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, thank you! This version works now on all devices and browsers that i was able to test.

Exept for - you really set the breakpoint to 0 as advised. In this case, for whatever reason, Smooth Link Scrolling refuses to work completely, on all browsers, desktop and mobile.

I have set it to 10 and all is good!

Thank you,
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh whoops I think that is a variable typo. I'm uploading 1.2.1 to fix that.

Thanks for helping me improve the add-on so much!
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Works like a charm now! Thank you for your support!

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