Multiple Questions

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Love the player so far and the Read Me file is a great help. Here's some questions:

1] Can I add a volume control?

2] Currently it will autoplay the next file after completing the first. Not sure how to change this so the user must click on every file before it plays.

Overall really nice work! Thanks

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Status: New
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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hondo69,


I'll try and make the documentation more accessible in the future. The updated Marketplace appears to have a Documentation page. Maybe I'll try adding it there in the future.

1.) I wasn't sure if I should do volume control. The biggest "problem" with volume is that there are multiple ways to handle it. There's mute and unmute, there's a graphic you click to change the volume level, and there's a slider, and there's a roll-over icon which reveals a slider. I've tried to design the Audio Library in such a way that you can skin without any code, which means that I set up the behavior. In other instances its a matter of visual taste, but in this case the behavior of the code is also a design element. Not sure how to handle it.

2.) You can disable auto-progression by adding to the parameters which are passed in once Flash is embedded. If you look at any of the view.php files for either the block or one of the templates, you should be able to find a "flashvars" object in the Javascript embed code. Try adding an extra property, like this:

flashvars.autoProgress = 0;

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!
Hondo69 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick reply. I see what you mean about volume control, pretty tricky. A lot of seniors visit my site and I'm not sure they know how to manually adjust speaker volume. Maybe I'll just put a separate control next to the player that will do the adjusting. That should do it.

I'll play with the code as you noted. Overall I've found this add-on very easy to use. Love it.
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have an idea of how you would like volume to be implemented, I'll
see if I can add it into the add-on for you.

Are you going to be using one of the default skins, or will you be making
your own design?

I'm glad you like it! There are other improvements coming soon (podcasting
is just around the corner ...)

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