Need iTunes Feed

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I am trying to create an itunes channel using the podcasts we have uploaded on our concrete site already. I don't know how to get the rss feed I need to submit to itunes for this. You say in the info that Audio Library can help me create this... please give me direction for how to make this happen!

Thanks much,

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elyon replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

If you visit the page, most browsers will light up an orange RSS icon. You can click this to subscribe to an RSS feed of the content.

This same feed should work with iTunes. You may just need to fill out some additional data, which you can set in the block's settings.

If you don't find the feed, view source on the page and search for "rss", and it should come up :)
medicimedicine replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect, thank you!
For me the rss link didn't show up on the page, but searching the source did the trick. I've submitted it to itunes and they seemed to accept it without a problem... I've tried submitting rss feeds that supposedly were to work before and they never did... so this is GREAT! Thanks much!
My client will be so happy!
medicimedicine replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Elyon,
Thank you for you help thus far. We are now on iTunes and our users are ecstatic!

One question that I'm hoping you may be able to help with easily...
We have a weekly radio show that we periodically don't always upload in order (usually because we had to reupload one for some reason or other), therefore the official Date Added isn't always the true date added, which throws the order off as the pubdate itunes receives. As far as I can tell it is almost, if not truly, impossible for me to edit the Date Added of a file once it is in concrete. The only date I know how to edit is one atribute called "Media Date" that I can set myself per each file. I am wondering if it is possible for me to edit my rss feed to pull the media date instead of the date added. I attempted to change the rss with my "best guess" as to what the coding would be for it, but to no avail.
I did a good bit of searching but cannot nail down what I can change "getDateAdded" to to make it call media date instead. I tried using meda date's handle, but all variations I tried didn't work...
Thank you!
aaronmays85 replied on at Permalink Reply
Bump. I'd like to know how to modify the date as well. I'm creating a podcast for a site who already had a podcast setup on their old site. Now that I've transferred the old files over, they're appearing as new files, all created on the same day even though some of them were originally created years ago.

How can I post date the files so they appear as their original true creation date?
aaronmays85 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, any thoughts on the issue with dates? I really need the old files I've transferred over to show up as old files with their original dates (even if I have to post-date them somehow) but right now, they're all showing like they've been uploaded on the same day even though they go back for years.
medicimedicine replied on at Permalink Reply
I personally never got the post-date thing to work the way we wanted to. Since then we have converted to a paid subscription style for our archives, so we no longer offer iTunes podcast like we did previously - hence I stopped looking for solutions to the issues we had. Therefore I don't know if it is even possible or not to change the date of old episodes. I would love if someone who does know could weigh in and answer this question for you, aaronmays85, especially since there's always a chance I would want to do the same thing again for another client.

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