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Hi - I love this tool!

I'd like to resize it to just be similar to the music players you can see here:

is there a way to do this easily?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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audiomonkey replied on at Permalink Reply
Just hoping to get a response to this question.

Also - when I try to get open the FLA file from my server, flash says it's an unexpected format. I'm using CS3.

Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Let's see if it will let me attach this
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that I missed this message. I'm sorry!

So the file might have been saved for Flash CS4, so I just exported for CS3. Please try the ZIP file I attached to my last comment, and see if you can edit it. So long as you leave the MovieClip names the same, you should be able to resize the FLA as well as the elements.

Just remember that if you resize something that needs to stretch, like a progress bar, open the MovieClip and edit the contents to be larger. If you just stretch the MovieClip, your scale will probably be lost when the code starts resizing it with the song's status.

Let me know if you have other questions, and if you are able to open this up! It should be simple to use a custom template with your own skin to get it to look and feel the way you want it to :)
dmeller replied on at Permalink Reply
Is it not possible to just specify a different width / height for the flash file when it plays? I tried editing the javascript in the template, but it doesnt seem to quite work.. any ideas what I am doign wrong?

<script type="text/javascript">
//specify a new height / width to be used for this player
      var m_width='250';
      var m_height='70';
      var flashvars = {};
      flashvars.editMode = <?php    echo intval ($editMode); ?>;
      flashvars.bID = "<?php   echo $bID; ?>"; = "<?php   echo $templateURL; ?>/DefaultRed.swf";
      var parameters = {};
      parameters.wmode = "opaque";
      parameters.width = m_width;
      parameters.height = m_height;
      var attributes = { id: "audioLibrary<?php   echo $bID; ?>", name: "audioLibrary<?php   echo $bID; ?>", width: m_width, height: m_height };
      swfobject.embedSWF ("<?php   echo $blockURL; ?>/assets/AudioLibrary.swf", "<?php   echo $itemID; ?>", m_width, m_height, "9.0.28", null, flashvars, parameters, attributes);
yusufdebruijn replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also trying to resize this block, no success, except I was able to only resize the playlist. Any developments on being able to resize? if not then refund.

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