
Let's do Concrete5 even easier for developers! Use this package as you wish for your new Concrete5 apps. 

It autoinstalls:

  1. An AJAX block, testblock
    1. This block is a form which returns server time and displays it in the textbox by using jQuery and AJAXform
    2. Complete control panel. Bootstrap components. Tabs, a Javascript button and some color chooser samples
    3. Loads custom javascript file. It allows to choose the developer when 'js' files are loaded
    4. Custom db.xml file
  2. An empty array for new themes is ready and waiting. If you add a new theme to the directory structure and write it down in this array, Concrete5 will auto install it
  3. A user group myGroupUsers
  4. A fileset called myFileSet
  5. Two single pages:
    1. mysinglepage, This single page does not exist as PHP file, and is populated later in this controller. It auto deploys 'testblock' inside.
    2. mysinglecodedpage, This single page does exist as PHP file, and can be hard coded. It has a controller file.
  6. A page type Home
  7. Two user attributes (first name, last name and a checkbox sample)
  8. Two file attributes My number and My checkbox
  9. Three page attributes My long description, My short description and Mi page is great
  10. Dashboard single page sample dashboardcustompage

 * Icons by MIT licensed

 * Thanks to @moisesgarciaweb ( for some great ideas