Advanced Search in Best Suite

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The advanced search is a great feature to include (thank you).
I noticed two things you may want to address.

1) A quibble: the "customize results" button appears even when Advanced Search is not open. This is different from the File Manager where the Customize Results button is hidden until Advanced Search is opened.

2) The Customize Results selections don't seem to do anything. I make changes to the columns, etc, but nothing changes in the list of pages, even after performing a search. I can get more detailed if you think it's user error.

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
`1) This was actually intentional. If someone doesn't use advanced search, they might not even know that you can customize the results. I didn't want you to have to click through two different times to customize, either. If a lot of people are annoyed with this, then I can change it to match, but it doesn't feel like it's that important to change to me.

2) There was a problem loading a model, originally it was in one file by itself, then I had to customize all four of the page list models so they all went into one file. It's been fixed in the 1.0.5 version.
kirkroberts replied on at Permalink Reply
1) I like your thinking. Nice improvement.

2) Thanks!

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