sort pages in manager

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I created a news page manager. When I view all my news in the manager , it shows the oldest news first (see attached screenshot) . Now I can customize the results and click descending and I will view my most recent news .
Is there a way I can set "descending by date" as the default view. so I don't have to do this each time?

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enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Click on "Customize Results". select the "last Modified" or "Date" check box and then set the "sort By" setting accordingly.
oaknshield replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for quick reply
yea I can do that. . . but my cient doesn't want to do that each time she logs in .
she will like it to show the most recent pages all the time.
the default is oldest first. .. . .
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
interesting. I assumed that because you can choose which fields to display in the list and it saves your settingds through login/logout that the sort by would act in the same manner. Doesn't seem to be the case...
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe it should persist across logins, but it's unique to the user. If they modify it, then it should stick with their user.

I'm not 100% on that, though, it's pretty much the same as it works in the built in page search under the sitemap. I kind of remember trying to get it to default the other way and it was kind of icky to override that from the parent class...

Would you be able to sign in as them, change the sorting, log out and back in, then see if it's sorting properly?
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, if they actually sort on one of the columns by clicking it, that should persist across logins, too. It's stored in a local cookie. So no matter what the 'default' is, user interaction ends up changing it...
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
modifying to display different selections in the list works fine logging in and logging out. Changing the sort by feature does not persist. I tested as admin and as soon as i log out and back in the sorting is defaulted again
oaknshield replied on at Permalink Reply
so what you'll think - - is it possible to have default date sort descending ?

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