
Installation And Bigcommerce Setup

After you install the add-on, you'll see a settings page for your Bigcommerce store settings. If you do not have a Bigcommerce store already, you can click the link at the top of the form or click here to get a bigcommerce store.

If you already have a Bigcommerce  store, you can use the add-on with your existing store.

Once you have a Bigcommerce  store set up, log into admin and retrive the API settings.

Step 1: Login at your Bigcommerc admin panel

Your store url with /admin on the end.

Step 2: Go to the Users section

This is in the top right of the Bigcommerce admin panel.

Step 3: Select the Edit link for the admin user

On the users page simply locate the admin user, and select the edit link to the right.

Step 4: Enable API access for the admin user, and retrive settings

Scrol down the bottom to the API section, select the option for "Allow this user to access API", and your API key will be show.

Step 5: Add your Bigcommerce API settings to Concrete5

Once you have a Bigcommerce  store, put your store's URL, username, API key, store currency and currency symbol in the settings area:

Bigcommerce Blocks

Product Block

Add a product block is rather simple. Simple add the block, and use the search function to find the product you wish to display. Enter either your product ID (If you know it), Product SKU (recommended), or the Full Product Name.

In the search results, click the Select Product button to set this product as the one you wish to display. Now go to the data Display tab and set some options for display. Once complete click Add button to add your product block.

Product List

Simply add the product list block, and select some filltering options to show only certain products. THe Bigcommerce API is a little limited, so this is best used at the moment to display your featured products.