v8.0.3 compatability

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adding package resulted in site errored out with

[Semantical Error] The class "package" is not annotated with @Annotation. Are you sure this class can be used as annotation? If so, then you need to add @Annotation to the _class_ doc comment of "package". If it is indeed no annotation, then you need to add @IgnoreAnnotation("package") to the _class_ doc comment of class PortlandLabs\Calendar\Event\EventRepetition.

cant delete because it errors out looking for the add-on

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm going to get a version released sometime this week with a fix. If you'd like to get the package working now, I think you just need to go into /packages/calendar/src/PortlandLabs/Calendar/Event/ and remove the

* @package Concrete\Core\Calendar

Lines from the top of those classes. I think there might be only 4 or 5 classes that have that "@package" and removing those will fix the issue.
TRRosen replied on at Permalink Reply
Got it running. For clarification to others all "@package" references must be removed.

It's throwing an error when you add an event however.

call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\LegacyKey' does not have a method 'getKeyID'

Does seem to add the event though.
TRRosen replied on at Permalink Reply
PS if you have an extra 10min for a feature request.
If you alter the select boxes for minutes in the time entry to start with 0,15,30,45 it makes life much better. Just one of those little thing you find on another package that makes you go duh!.
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like this is part of the "Permission Duration" element in the core of concrete5. It'll need to be changed there.
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
I've released version 1.1.1 today that is compatible with 8.0.3.
buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also getting this error when adding an event:

call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\LegacyKey' does not have a method 'getKeyID'

Also the category topics are not visible in the category tab. When adding the topic tree to the attribute set they are. The error stays and when clicking an event to edit, it's loading forever and nothing happens.
glin425 replied on at Permalink Reply
Im also getting this error. Can someone post a fix for this?
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
I've released v1.1.2 today that addresses this issue.
buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Korvin,

This helps for the problem on adding events. I can add events now. But the category problem is not solved yet.

When adding an event there are no categories in the list to choose from. So i go to 'manage sets', click 'categories' and tick the box next to 'Topics calendar_topics' to add this attribute to the categorie set. When clicking the update button i get this error:

Argument 1 passed to Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Set::addKey() must be an instance of Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Key\Key, instance of Concrete\Package\Calendar\Attribute\Key\EventKey given, called in /public_html/test8/concrete/controllers/single_page/dashboard/system/attributes/sets.php on line 154

I've tried uninstalling the add-on completely and re-adding, but that does not help.
aflawrence replied on at Permalink Reply
I am having the same issue. The Categories aren't showing up. When I try to add attributes the same error occurs.
buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you get a chance to look into this persistent problem?

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