
Once installed, visit the Cookie Consent dashboard page

Tracking scipts, such as those for Google Analytics, can be pasted into the script fields. They can be pasted in unchanged.

The default preferences should present neat and effecive cookie consent popups, but can be further adjusted via this dashboard page.

To add buttons/links to re-open the consent and preferences dialogs

Note at the very bottom of configuration page some notes about adding some 'data-cc' attirbutes. These attributes can be added to any button or link, to allow a visitor to re-open either the cookie consent dialog, or the cookie preferences dialog.

There is an example snippet of HTML - this could be copied into a Content or HTML block, and placed in a global area on your site. 

To further customize the scripts

If you are a developer and wish to further customize the cookie scripts, you can refer to

There is an 'element' file that controls the output of the script - this can be overrided by copying it from /packages/msv_cookie_consent/elements/cookie_consent_init.php to /application/elements/cookie_consent_init.php.