Add Commenting System

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I am working with the Advanced Form/Data Display for a funeral home and have everything set up and working well ... I just need to be able to do one more thing - add a comment system to the Full Details Template (single record).

I tried to create a Comment Block in a stack and add it to the page type obit_detail.php which is what is used for the detailed record, but unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be working.

Is there a way to add the stack in the template? Perhaps in the footer area?

I used the following code to add the stack - it seemed to work when I first loaded the full obituary.

<div id="comment">
      $ga = Stack::getByName('Obit Comments'); 

After rechecking it and on another, it just shows this now ... display(); ?>

I'm guessing I need to reconfigure the stack somehow but am clueless.

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