Data Display Links and Email

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Somewhat new to Advanced Forms and Data Display and am having a little trouble with the syntax of Data Display. I am trying to display links the are clickable and email address with mailto: I can get the fields to display but when I try to make them usable they ether do not work or disappear (sometimes make everything disappear). I tried putting in a small JavaScript it worked fine but nothing else was there.

Can someone point me in the right direction? Perhaps a couple of examples to review. Thanks!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
You will have to create a placeholder for the url in the form. Something like below.

You will need to put the placeholder at the top of the Content area of your template.

<field name="Field Name" placeholder="link" />

<a href="link">View this link</a>
cmurray2329 replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you, I will give this a try.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Actually, it would need to be just a little different. That second piece of code should be:

<a href="{{link}}">View this link</a>

(Curly brackets around "link")
cmurray2329 replied on at Permalink Reply
Metaglyphics replied on at Permalink Reply
Following up on this one. How would one go about embedding an email field in a template as a mailto: link?

<a href="mailto:{{Your Email}}"><field name="Your Email" /></a>

doesn't seem to work.

cmurray2329 replied on at Permalink Reply

Below is what I used. The first line puts the field in a place holder (feels like a variable) then that place holder can be used on the link. Hope this helps.

<field name="Apply Email" placeholder="jobmail"/>
<a href="mailto:{{jobmail}}">Apply Via Email </a>
adminEasy replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm trying to pass the variable Owner ID to replace the static number 2 (see below), but just cannot work it out. Is this possible? Can you please help?

<a title="Search or Place Ad" href="">Click here to contact <owner /></a>

Just to confirm, I'm trying to respond via a private message to the owner of an Ad

Also tried:
<field name="Owner ID" placeholder="ownerid" />
<a title="Search or Place Ad" href="{{ ownerid }}/">Click here to contact <owner /></a>

The above just takes me back to the profile of the person reviewing the Ad, and does not open a message to the Ad originator.

What am I doing wrong?
adminEasy replied on at Permalink Reply

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