Data is there just not displaying

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Can anyone tell me why data would stop displaying even though I check the record and it is there. I go to the page with the detail and it is no longer displaying. Would cacheing, indexing, permissions be the culprit of this all?

Site is in development and I cannot provide a link.

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prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi P2p!
Just until the cavalry arrives ...
Check through your code carefully -- it might be HTML compliant but not XML compliant. Suggest try the XML checker provided. This sort of thing seems to be very frequently a XML compliance issue
Good luck, post back if you are still stuck
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
So, are you saying that you click on the detail link and the page that it takes you to is blank?
p2p replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct. It was displaying fine, but now all of the fields are empty on the page.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you displaying the details on the same page, or on a different page? If on a different page, has the Data Display block been added to that page? If on the same page, do you have the correct Detail Template specified? Can you paste the code from your Detail Template here?
p2p replied on at Permalink Reply
It is the markup. I just removed a bunch of HTML and it is working fine. Is there a way to add HTML (like divs, etc.) safely? I'm not all that familiar with forming XML.

Thanks for all of your help.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Absolutely! You can add as much HTML as you need to...even Javascript and CSS. You just have to make sure it validates *as* XML, meaning (primarily) tags are closed in the proper order and such. If you can post an example of what you are trying to do, I could tell you how to make it work properly (if it's already not).
p2p replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for all of your help.

I had it working with fresh markup, but now any new data will not load. Even with approval. Do you need to clear the cache and/or update the search index?

My markup is not pulling anything in again.

I'm putting this in the Header:

<table class="articles">
        <td class="headerDate">Date</td>
        <td class="headerTitle">Title</td>
        <td class="headerAuthor">Author</td>
        <td class="headerPublication">Publication</td>

This is in the Content:
    <td class="headerDate"><field name="Publication Date" format="m.d.y" /></td>
    <td class="headerTitle"><field name="Title" /></td>
    <td class="headerAuthor"><field name="Author" /></td>
    <td class="headerPublication"><field name="Publication" /></td>

And finally this in the Footer:

Not sure if my Advanced Forms is having permission issues. Would permission sets effect it?

If you run "Sceduled Jobs" it should be immediate in that when it completes the task it will display a check.

I'm just not sure why it will work in one instance, but then trying to add data it just stops working on me.
p2p replied on at Permalink Reply
The data list block is there:


Just is not pulling anything at all or that data. I've tried stripping out all of the table markup and using the fields. Still nothing being pulled. I'm at a loss as to what is going on.
p2p replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having a devil of time with this instance. I've deleted pages and tried staring fresh. I've created new Advanced Form with a new name. I've tried just adding the fields to display and it just will not work for me at all. What I see in the page source is this:

<!--PAGESIZE:0--><!--LIMIT:--><!--ASC:-->   <script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function() {
      $('.approve-answer-link').click(function(e) {
         $approvalButton = $(this);
         var asID = $approvalButton.attr('rel');
         var email = $approvalButton.attr('name');
         $approvalButton.html('<img src="/concrete/images/throbber_white_16.gif" />');
            url:'/index.php/tools/packages/sixeightforms/update_approval?asID=' + $approvalButton.attr('rel'),
            success:function(data) {
               if(data == '1') {
                  if(email != '') {

I'm getting frustrated with this data display.
prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi P2P!
Suggest try creating quickly creating a new form with just one or two fields. Insert those fields in a new sample template with no html
This step will test the module and establish whether something is not right there. If this doesn't work then that requires investigation

If it does then it's likely that something is not working in your working html. Our experience is that the template code must not depart in any way from wellformed XML -- regardless of what your user requirements are

What we have done to locate such issues quickly is to locate an online XML well formedness checker and paste the code into that. To get a clean test you may need to build that test code into a XML doc -- needs a header.

What we found was that is that it's really helpful to have a way of quickly checking XML validity.

We use the python script below but there are probably other online checkers that work well.

In our experience the XML checker provided with the package sometimes gives results which are confusing if you're not hugely into XML

## {{{ (r2)
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
from xml.sax import make_parser
from glob import glob
import sys
def parsefile(file):
    parser = make_parser()
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    for filename in glob(arg):
            print "%s is well-formed" % filename
        except Exception, e:

Anyway keep on keeping on -- this is a great package with heaps of potential
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Try building your Form/Data Display on my demo site, and let's see if that will help diagnose the issue:
User: demo
Pass: demo

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