Displaying data from multiple forms

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I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" to this, but could there be a way to combine data from multiple forms into one Data Display list?

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jgarcia replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Yeah, at the moment, the answer is no. But I've had multiple people make this request, so I'd like to look into this possibility. How exactly would you envision the multiple forms working together?
facerX replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, let me tell you what I want to do with it and maybe that will help. I want to use AF/DD to set up a simple social network with separate forms for posting comments, images, links, etc. I would want those entries to be displayed in one list sorted by timestamp, pretty much just like Facebook.
hursey013 replied on at Permalink Reply
Probably not exactly what you talking about, but check out the "Community Bulletin" onhttp://pimasheriff.org/ - thats Advanced Form/Data Display driven to display a number of different types of alerts with a somewhat facebook style layout. See alsohttp://pimasheriff.org/bulletins/most-wanted/... for facebook style loading of post while scrolling down.
facerX replied on at Permalink Reply
Very nice, hursey013. I like the way your list loads more posts with the button at the bottom; I assume that's a jQuery thing? How did you implement that with a DD block?
jgaris replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is the way I would like to see it work...

Using the employee directory example, I have a form for "Employees" and a form for "Divisions". I would like to create a data display list of "divisions". Once you select the details of a division, you can see the division details, and then also a list of employees within that division. You can then click further to view the details of that employee.

Does that make sense?

I would like it to be able to link records from other form basdx on a common field id.

To take the the example further, I would also have a form for "employee notes" and display a list of notes for that employee.

So it can keep drilling down further data.
p2p replied on at Permalink Reply
Has anyone ever answered this for you? Did you discover how to do this? If so, how and where can you point me in the right direction to do this. I am trying to accompolish pretty much the same thing.
facerX replied on at Permalink Reply

jgarcia pretty much answered this above; it's not possible with the current release. I don't know if it's in the roadmap for a future release or not.
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
It's sort of tentatively on the roadmap. I want to do it...it's just a pretty big undertaking.
pacesinf replied on at Permalink Reply
Would really, really, really like this. We have a registration process with multiple forms, and no way to combine the data easily for administrators to review. I'll keep watch for updates!

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