Filter On Field Value

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Hey, I am looking to filter results based on when a Field Value does NOT equal a given string - does anyone know an easy way to do this? Or even a non-easy way, other than adding an additional field. Thanks!

I was hoping for something like setting the filter value to !String or an additional 'equals' 'not equal' 'starts with'... type drop down per entry. I even tried creating a value for all of the other values I know it could be, but got no results that way.

Data Display template almost gets there - can do a List Template with a conditional, which works for a single value, but can I specify multiple values somehow in the <if> ? -J

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jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
I like the idea, but it would certainly require some pretty significant reworking of the code. Right now the way that filter work is that it does a MySQL LIKE query (which basically says, "Is the filter query anywhere within the field value?"). I'd have to start tracking which operator to check against (equal to? not equal to? in string? greater than? less than?) and the adjust the MySQL query accordingly which could take some time. If I ever make progress in this I'll definitely let you know.

Side note, since I know you're a pretty active AF/DD user, check out the latest update and let me know what you think of the new UI (primarily on the main Forms page). Hopefully it makes things not only pretty but also a little easier to use.
jstrong replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I understand -

Nesting IFs in the Data Display template would work for me too if this is possible, or multiple (comma sep or something) allowed "equals" or "not equal to" values. Any way I can approach this that way?

Yes I downloaded the update earlier this morning, I like the look personally!

Also, I noticed at some point you added binding a dropdown field to records on a different form - really really useful man. I was just looking for a way to associate data created in different forms and this fits quite nicely. It doesn't seem to show all the records in the list I'm assuming the first 20 or something, but I can work around that.

I have two other suggestions I'll enter separately after I make sure they haven't been suggested already. Really, these packages are quite awesome and I use them more than any other add ons.

Thanks again! -J

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