How to format templates

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Is there a guide where I can see how to format a template? I'm having problems in that the XML is not parsing, due to HTML and inline CSS tags, and am trying to find out where/how it is breaking and if there are alternatives.

I have a very complex data display (lengthy) and I need to format this nicer for output. I'd really like to, for example, bold the answers and leave the questions as normal text and HOPEFULLY lay it out as a table. Neither of those work, as it breaks the xml and only the questions show up on the page.

Is there a list of tags that can and cannot be used?

Thanks for the help!

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there anything? Somewhere I can look online?
prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Darren!
Until the paramedics get here, suggest build up your format block by block testing at each stage. Where there are tags which are non-XML compliant then just use placeholder tags.

If you're stuck on any particular block then post the code here and we'll take a look

rayjohn66 replied on at Permalink Reply
So if you found any helpers for this xml stuff please pass it on. Do I need to put a doctype in the header, meta form ut-8, nothing validates even if I put just one field in. I just want to do something simple. If someone could post a couple of examples, that would be helpful..


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