IF/ELSE combining using && or || for multiple fields

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Is it possible to have logic where I am checking if Field A, B, C, or D exists. If so, print out <aside>. Otherwise, skip over and go to the next bit of code?

I haven't been able to combine logic for if one field of 5 or so has content, then do the following.

Is this possible with this add-on? Would be great if it is - otherwise, not sure what I'm going to do.
I'd like to only print out the
if at least one of the fields within it has content, if none of those fields are being used, I do not want the
to print out.

My code is as follows currently.

<aside class="right">
    <if name="Funded/Supported by">
    <if name="Graphic Linked">    
        <field name="Graphic Linked" placeholder="graphic" />
        <img src="{{graphic}}" class="imageRight" width="100" />
    <if name="Funded/Supported by">
        <field html="true" name="Funded/Supported by" />
    <if name="Related Links">
        <h3>Related Links</h3>
        <field html="true" name="Related Links" />

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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Status: New
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