Improved Speed with mySQL Index

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As is commonly mentioned in reviews Advanced Forms with Data Display is a fantastic combination of packages. Only problem I was having was with any quantity of data it was becoming very slow to retrieve data with Data Display (actually unusable).

I found by adding 4 indexes to the data files used by Advanced Forms the system became instantly quicker.

The following are the mySQL commands I used :
ALTER TABLE `sixeightformsAnswers` ADD INDEX(`ffID`);
ALTER TABLE `sixeightformsAnswers` ADD INDEX(`asID`);
ALTER TABLE `sixeightformsAnswerSets` ADD INDEX(`fID`);
ALTER TABLE `sixeightformsAnswerSets` ADD INDEX(`asID`);

I'd be interested to have the packages author confirm that doing this is valid and can not be a cause of future problems. Also wonder if there are are other tables that could or should be indexed.

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