Total records by user

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Good afternoon

I was wondering..... is it possible to display the total records by:
a) own records
b) another user

i.e. if I have submitted 8 records, it can be displayed or another user has submitted 4 records etc



Type: Discussion
Status: New
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pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
HI, I'd like to get a count of records by usre too. Did you find a way to do it?
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
There's not currently a way to show total record count, but it wouldn't be a difficult feature to add. I've got a new version with a number of new features I'll be posting within the next week or two, so if you can wait until then, I can build that in.

The total records owned by another user might not really be possible though. Essentially what I have in mind is the total number of records for the current set of a list display in Data Display, so if the block is set to only show records owned by the current user, then it would calculate the count accordingly.

In order to show total records of another user I'd have to add a setting within the Data Display block to pull records owned by another user, and then calculate the total based off of that.
pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
Records owned by the current user would be great. I want to show " You have made x entries". Having a little block like a shopping cart would be cool too.

I tried putting some code in a theme template to do it, but the count is always off a little bit. If you could push me in the right direction with this it would be a big help. I would like to be able to load in some blocks or make adjustments to the theme template based on the number of entries in a form. - thanks

$u = new User();
 if($u->isLoggedIn()) {
  $userID = $u->getUserID();
  $db = Loader::db();
  $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT recordID FROM sixeightformsAnswerSets WHERE fID = ? AND creator= ?"; 
  $vals = array(4, $userID);
  $rs = $db->Execute($sql, $vals);
  $count = $rs->RecordCount();
  echo '<div class="countThings" style="clear:both">'; 
  echo '<h3>You have made: '  .  $count . ' Entries</h3>';
apc123 replied on at Permalink Reply

Have you added the ability to show a total number of records?

fauners replied on at Permalink Reply
Any update on this feature? It would be really useful.
Any chance you have it included yet? or even if you had the code that would do this?
fauners replied on at Permalink Reply
Any update on this feature? It would be really useful.
Any chance you have it included yet? or even if you had the code that would do this?

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