Customize map info box?

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Hi there. So far I've been adept enough at figuring things out to be able to change the layout of the search results (just different line breaks, really) but now my info box isn't tall enough and there's a scrollbar. Is there a way to fix that so I can change the size? Honestly it'd be pretty nifty too if I could style the whole thing to match the site, but the size is the most important.

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MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi maneatingflower,

It looks like the size of the map and results pane are both set in the block's style sheet. To modify this, you'll want to get familiar with the concept of overrides in concrete5:

Essentially this means you'll want to copy the specific files you want to modify out of the block and up into the correct override directory. In this case, you'd find these two files:

(your site root)/packages/dealer_locator/blocks/dealer_search/view.php
(your site root)/packages/dealer_locator/blocks/dealer_search/css/locator.css

and copy them to:

(your site root)/blocks/dealer_search/view.php
(your site root)/blocks/dealer_search/css/locator.css

Then look for this selector in locator.css, around line 2:

div.ccm-locator-map-sidebar { 
   margin-right: 12px;
   background-color: #F9F8F5;
   height: 392px;

The height property here controls the text box. There's another class around line 38 that controls the properties of the map box:

.ccm-locator-map-column { 
   overflow: auto;
   height: 400px;
   border: 1px solid #000;

You don't need to change anything in the view.php file, just place it in the blocks directory. This will tell concrete5 to grab that locator.css file from the override location as well.

Hope that helps!

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