Does this tie into user accounts?

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In other words, does it pull data from an individual table, or can it get data from user attributes? I have a user database already built with attribs for address, etc., like to not have to duplicate it into another table.

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GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
Not automatically, it does accept CSV files as input, and you can export your user data to excel from "Users and Groups" under the Dashboard.

Once you've done that you can make any changes you want in excel, then upload that into the Dealer Locator. Hopefully that's close enough for what you need.
invision replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't want my client to have to do this extra step every time they make a change to their database. It's double the work... and could introduce errors into their data.

It's perplexing that the core team develops this great attribute system, but never seems to tie their add-ons into it.
ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
@invision this add-on was developed for a common, but specific need. Searching a finite set of locations - specifically stores or offices within one organization.

We certainly considered using pages as the data model and creating a geocode attribute or extending the address attribute to deal with location data, but decided against it for these reasons.

- this list of locations exists elsewhere in a different system
- it's managed by one person
- has a very limited set of data that's common throughout the records.

I do love our attribute system and use it all the time, but I'm a practical developer and sometimes a flat table just makes sense.
invision replied on at Permalink Reply
Like you, I develop specific applications to solve specific problems, then try to adapt or generalize the apps for other projects. I totally understand.

My usage is a bit different -- rather than a list of locations within the same company, I'm building a site for an association with a database of members that want to show their business locations to site visitors with a radius search.

I'll use the flat table for now, but I'm going to integrate it with the user accounts moving forward.

Sherm Stevens
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah this whole beast really started as a very specific need for retailers that had that "where can you find X" challenge. They almost always have some Excel file they manage, so this was the simplest approach.

I think in the big picture, a different "mapping" add-on that made advantage of a geoloc custom attribute for pages, people, products - anything that would be awesome. Totally makes sense to me, just not the problem we were trying to solve when we sat down to build this-un.
invision replied on at Permalink Reply
I have one in the works, but I need to get this project moving, so I took advantage of your special pricing. Thanks!
simonknibbs replied on at Permalink Reply
I wondered if you have had any luck with linking the dealer locator to the user attributes as i am also having the exact same problem and this would be a perfect solution
simonknibbs replied on at Permalink Reply
I wondered if you have had any luck with linking the dealer locator to the user attributes as i am also having the exact same problem and this would be a perfect solution
invision replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope. I use WordPress now. Abandon all hope ye who enter...
MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
As Ryan pointed out above, we developed this add-on to meet the needs of businesses that want to list dealers on their websites. But just about anything's possible if you're interested in forking our code.

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