Sorting Results Alphabetically

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I was wondering if it was possible to sort locations alphabetically rather than by distance?

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ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
You would have to modify the code...

I'm assuming that you'd want the results first filtered by distance from the search address, then sorted alphabetically.

You'd want to override the blocks controller by copying:

Then around line 124 you'd comment out the sort by distance and add sort by name.
//$distanceList->sortBy('distance','ASC'); // existing code
mobasweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked perfectly. Thank you.
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
Does this work with Type/Category as well? I've tried it with the Type attribute, but it still always sorts by distance.

I've tried sorting both ascending and descending and have had no luck.

I changed:



Initially I wanted to sort by distance first and then type/category, so I changed the line to the code below and it didn't work either.

$distanceList->sortByMultiple('distance ASC','type ASC');
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe that as it stands it sorts by distance no matter what(the distance calculation has actually been baked into the query). If you want to sort by anything else I would just create a new DatabaseItemList

$dil = new DatabaseItemList;
$dil->addToQuery('SELECT * FROM DealerLocatorLocations');
$dil->sortBy('type', 'DESC');

Best Wishes,
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
If that's the case, I wonder why this line is needed?

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, yes. My SQL is a bit rusty. I'm surprised that isn't working for you. I'm going to set up a test and see if I can sort that out.

Best Wishes,
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
I really only have two types of dealers to list and I tried an if/else statement, but my php ain't the greatest either, so it didn't work.

That's when I scoured the C5 documentation and found the sortByMultiple command.

Thanks for looking into it!
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I can probably just give you some SQL to do this. Let me know the exact results you want and I'll write something for it real quick.

Best Wishes,
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm using the Type/Category option to indicate a "Gold Dealer". These "Gold Dealers" will be listed first in the sidebar results, then by distance.

I'm currently working on showing a gold icon beside of the Gold Dealers information in the sidebar as well.

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Alright, finally broke down and read through the query. The reason you can sort from type is the query isn't selecting it.

Around Line #123 of /dealer_location/models/dealer_locator.php
$q = "SELECT address, address2, postal, name, city, state, lat, lng, phone, country, extra, url,

You'll notice that there isn't type. Let's add that.
$q = "SELECT type, address, address2, postal, name, city, state, lat, lng, phone, country, extra, url,

Then you should be able to do that sortByMultiple() call just fine. *Hopefully.

Best Wishes,
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
Still no dice. I've added 'type' to the query and it still only sorts by distance alone. I've tried all of the following ways:

$distanceList->sortByMultiple('distance asc','type desc');
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tony,
I was way off. I didn't realize this was actually in the block.

Line #5


$distanceList->sortBy('name', 'DESC');

Sorry about that.

Best Wishes,

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