The automated job function of the Geocode Dealer Locator Addresses is stuck on RUN

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I'm running the automated job function of the Geocode Dealer Locator Addresses and it's stuck in running mode. It's been stuck for several days. I only run the geocode finder after I upload a CSV list, which is only every several months.

Secondly, what is the difference between the 2 import methods:
Replace existing contacts in this directory with csv file
Append this csv file to the contacts in this directory

If I select REPLACE does it delete all previous uploads? I've always only APPENDed files.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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andrew replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
It's likely that something about the data itself is causing the job to not complete. It appears to be running, but that's simply because something has interrupted it and not given it the ability to mark itself as finished. First, cancel the job by clicking the "Reset All Jobs" button (see the attached screenshot.) Then, try running the job again.

If the job doesn't complete after staying on the page for several minutes, there may be something about your data that's causing the job to get stuck. To debug what this might be, click the automate button next to the Geocode Job (see the attached screenshot.) This will give you a URL that you can use to directly run the job. Click the URL in the screenshot (it will look like . Add &debug=1 to the end of the URL, and paste it in a new browser window. This will run the job, and show any errors that come with it. If you're still having trouble and this results in some errors showing up, you can post them here and we'll try and look at them.

To answer your second question: choosing "append" adds records to the list, and does not touch any existing records. Choosing "replace" deletes all records, replacing the entire contents of the dealer directory with the contents of the CSV file.

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