$alt tags not working?

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Hi I always get into a bit of a pickle when trying to use the code,
This time I'm just trying to get the ALT tag text to display but i just can not get it to show up.

here is my code bellow.

<img src="<?php $img = $item->PLimg->getImageObj(800,497, true);
if ($img) {
echo $img->src;
}?>" alt="<?php $alt = $item->PLimg->getAltText();?>" title="<?php $alt = $item->PLimg->getAltText();?>" width="100%">

please can you advise.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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theblockery replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry you're having trouble with this.

Your code looks correct to me. Does this field have the user-editable alt
text field when editing the block? Or are you wanting to pull the alt text
from the file properties? If there is no user-editable alt text, or if it
is left blank, then it will pull from the file's description attribute or
title attribute (which might be empty, although that would be unusual
because C5 populates the title attribute by default when the file is first

If none of that is the case, would it be possible for me to access your
site so I can take a closer look at what's going on? (You could send login
details to me directly at jordan@theblockery.com ). Or if you'd rather not
provide that info, perhaps we could schedule a google hangout or skype
session where you could screenshare your site for me?


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