Data sensitive errors

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I setup a block and created about 75 copies with data in the various segments. All work fine, except for 2 specific records that keep giving errors after they are created. Note, they do NOT give an error when I add them. And then they display a few times just fine. Then, the same 2 start reporting this error:

: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in on line : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in on line

I've attached the customized view files. I am confused as to how the data could cause these two to always be the ones. All of the others work fine. Can you see anything?

1 Attachment

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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theblockery replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry about this problem. I'm not 100% sure, but it sounds similar to an issue someone else had a few months ago related to database encoding. It seemed that they were pasting content from a word doc, which included some "special characters" (like curly quotes, em-dashes, currency symbols, etc.). But their database was set to an ASCII or Latin encoding instead of UTF-8, so the characters were not being saved properly and it was causing problems when the system tried to read the block data.

Do you know how to check your database for the default encoding (or specifically the encoding on your DCP tables, which are all prefixed with "btDcp___")? If you're familiar with these kinds of database operations (usually using PHPMyAdmin through your web host's CPanel or Plesk Panel) then I recommend changing the table encoding to UTF8. If you're not sure how to do that or are uncomfortable with it, let me know and I would be happy to help you with it.

Please email me directly at if you'd like further assistance so I can be sure I see your response (sometimes the C5 forum doesn't send me an email notification when people reply, so emailing me directly is the best way to ensure a quick response).


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