Navigation overlapping

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Thanks for this add-on. It's the first I've setup as a vertical menu and just having an issue with the responsiveness for a couple of ipad devices, where the left menu is overlapping into the text to the right. I wasn't sure where to target the media queries for this. I've attached a screenshot as an example. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

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dexcode replied on at Permalink Reply

Can I get a link to the site so I can have a look for myself?

anete replied on at Permalink Reply
dexcode replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Anete,

Sorry for the delay but I am pretty busy today.

The problem arises because of the column widths you are using. You have 3 columns with column1 being 13.333333% and the other 2 columns at 39.333333%, I see these set in your skeleton.css file. The menu is set at a width of 12em.

Here is a quick solution I can think of off the top of my head and that is to
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    /* Adjust left column to be same width as the menu */
    .page .two.columns {
        width: 21.3333333333%;
    /* Adjust far right column to fit on same row */
    .page .column:last-child, .page .columns:last-child {
        width: 30.3333333333%;

You will also need to remove the 'mr20' class from both of the 'five columns' divs.


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