Bug report, queries and feature requests

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Hi There,
First of all, I am sorry for this long post. We have purchased your add-on in July 14th around 10 AM (UTC) and started using it to organize our gallery images. Our goal was to find out all the possible queries we have about the add-on in one place and don’t need to bother you multiple times. And that’s why the post gets too long. We like the functionality of your add-on. It is to be noted that our site (live:http://exrx.net/ production:http://exrx.net/concrete/ ) is one the largest and oldest online resources for exercise professionals. We always make everything in our site in a same rule to make it uniform and that is the most important concern so that, we can provide the best user experience. And that’s why here comes the following factors with easy image gallery:

 Probably Bug or something I am doing wrong:
1. I have used file sets in one of the gallery to display (pull) images from the file manager. Here the number of file sets were huge and that’s why the toolbar got to large that I can’t even do anything with the options/ advance options as they got hidden behind the tollbar background. How I can get rid of the problem? See the attachment named 11.png
2. On that same page I tried to delete/ remove a few images. When I clicked on Update Gallery, the whole page got broken. I can’t access the page anymore. Please follow the link to see the error message:http://exrx.net/concrete/Nutrition/MealLists/Meat.... How I can restore the page? If I need to reconstruct the page, it is going to take huge time to find out all those image from the file manager which I had inserted by choosing from a collection of more than 5 thousands images and then insert in the gallery.
3. In your option area, there are options to show ‘Title’ and/or ‘Description’ in the light box mode. But if I select to show the description but turn off the title in light box, the description does appear. But when I select them both on for the light box then both of them appear. We want only the description to be shown in the light box not the title. Note: Used default and then Basic gallery in that gallery.
4.http://exrx.net/concrete/Nutrition/MealLists/Vegetarian... in this example page, click on any option/tag like ‘Mexican’. And then try to see the images in the light box and then click next or previous. You will see that images are coming (in next or previous option) not from that particular tag/ option but randomly (maybe sequentially) from the ‘Show All’ option. But anyone will expect by click the next/ previous button that they will see the next/ previous images from other option. Visitors will be misguided if this continues.
5. I have a Tag named ‘Low Carb’. I have space in between these two words but the space does not show up in the gallery page. It Shows up like ‘LOWCARB’. Please find that ‘LOWCARB’ option in this page:http://exrx.net/concrete/Nutrition/MealLists/Vegetarian... and see the attachment ‘1.png’ to be confirmed that I have space in between the words.
6. Your documentation link is broken:http://new.myconcretelab.com/%21trash/documentation...

 Most Needed Feature Request:
1. The main reason behind purchasing this add-on is we liked the ‘Basic’ template as it crops the images in a static dimension to make the gallery uniform. And that’s what it does but it does not include the ‘Tag Filtering’ option and ‘Search’ option. I understand your demo does not have that filter and search option in the basic template and also your add-on option says it works on some templates. But, this feature is so important for us to show the filtering and search option even with the ‘Basic’ template. Please let us know will you consider it as a feature.
2. The ‘Tags’ at the top are uppercase and very small and thin which is hard to read by someone aged over 40. Is it possible add a feature by which users can select the title as ‘Pascal Case’, ‘Sentence case’, ‘UPPER CASE’ or the way ‘They Write’. And also they can select the text weight as they want.
3. Your default template has a background at the bottom of images (basic one has the background in every four sides) even though they don’t have any title or description. We want the capability to remove it if the image does/ does not have title or description to show up.
4. Can we remove the orange underline when you hover over the mouse? Please hover your mouse over any images from the above given gallery page to see the underline.
5. Search does not work if the title is forbidden to display at front view even though the title is displayed in the ‘Light Box’ mode. Can you please consider the title to work even doesn’t matter the title is displayed or not at the front view or even in the light box view? Also work with description following the same rule?

I am sorry for this huge post. But we need to know the answers as our production tasks are held and can be resumed by solving the gallery issue. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as soon as possible. BTW, I know that I can do the feature request number 2 and 4 but it will require me to change the css code of your add-on. Then again, I am afraid if we lose the ability to qualify for your future updates (if we customize or change your code).
Best Regards,

2 Attachments

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
TawhidPritam replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
One of the most important issue I have missed here is, the tags/ buttons at the top of the gallery does not responsively in smaller screen view. That means if you have more buttons/tags, they get placed vertically not side by side or horizontally even though there remains space. Please see the attachment with this reply.

And probably you will not be able to find the page which I have said is broken in my post description. Here is the corrected link:http://exrx.net/concrete/Nutrition/MealLists/Meat...

I apologize for the inconvenience.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20160615000000

# concrete5 Packages
Add and Remove Classes and IDs (0.9.5), Easy Image Gallery (1.3.1), Fruitful (1.2), HTML5 Audio Player Basic (2.0.5), Responsive Embed (1.0.0), Share Me (0.9.1), Simple Anchor (1.0.1), Spacer (0.9.3), Thumbnail Generator (, Touch Gallery (2.1.5), WatermarkNN (1.2.3)

# concrete5 Overrides
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Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
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Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

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# PHP Settings
max_execution_time - 120
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