Image Tags not showing, and URL instead of lightbox?

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i've followed the steps described here:

but the Attributes don't show up on the the Image Properties pop-up window. isn't that where they should be?

as well, instead of opening a lightbox, can i make the images go to a URL? just a simple link?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you meet installation error ?
About link, did you talk about link to big image or link to another page or url ?
fleetloop replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, i found the installation bug. it was on line 13 of 'controller.php':
use Concrete\Package\ThemeAnitya\Helper\MclInstaller;

and i'd like the link to go to another page or URL.

also, any idea as to why i can't get the Image Tags to appear?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok in the controller where you find bug, change version to a bigger number, like 1.3.
Update the addon in dashboard.
You will see the attribute tag.
fleetloop replied on at Permalink Reply
i've updated the version number from 1.1.3 to 1.3 and updated the add-on successfully, but still no Image Tags in the image 'Properties' pop-up. maybe it's located somewhere else?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
you can check if it exist into dashboard > files > attributes.
if none, just create one of type 'select' with the handle 'image_tag'
fleetloop replied on at Permalink Reply
it works!

i had to add them manually. they already existed, but would't show up in the images > properties pop-up. after a recreated them, they now work.

last question - how can i make the link a URL/another page instead of a lightbox? do i need to make a custom template?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, a custom template that keep a attribute as url. It's not implanted out of the box for now.
fleetloop replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply. I'm more of a designer than a programmer, so could you give me an idea about how I could accomplish that?

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