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I'm looking for a way to create a lightbox gallery from a single thumbnail. Meaning that I only want to see one image on the page and then when the user clicks it a lightbox pops up with multiple images. Is there some fairly straightforward way of accomplishing this through your plugin?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

I can make a new custom template for that. It seems pretty simple.
But questions are :

For the design, wich size for the thumbnail?
For the thumbnail we can take the first image of the gallery ?
tukuro replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Using the first image for the thumbnail would work. It would be more flexible if the image could be chosen, but that's less important.

2. Would the size of the thumbnail need to be pre-determined? That would really depend on how the gallery was used. I have a few different things I'm hoping to use this for.

Thanks for looking into this. I'm looking for something with a minimum of styling and just simple/clean animations. I can handle the css and such, but the whole lightbox thing is a bit beyond me. Let me know how it goes.
tukuro replied on at Permalink Reply
I love the styling of the lightbox for your "default gallery." The slide and fade animation is great and I like that it fades the background to white and not black. I just want to have a single thumbnail that is just an image without the box and such. Maybe a rollover effect that fades out the image a bit.

Anything you can do to get the basic functionality working would be great. The rest I think I can do.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Is this is always actual ?

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