Version History

1.0.0 - First public release
1.0.1 - Add ability to import products without creating product pages.
1.0.2 - Add advanced image import syntax.  Convert linefeeds in descriptions to BR tags.
1.0.3 - Add support for alternate unique product identifiers.  Fix errors when using advanced image import syntax and no extra images are defined.
1.1.0 - Add several new features:

  • Support for numeric attributes as unique product IDs
  • Improved product image import functionality; import without importing images; import images into a file set.
  • Canonical_path attribute for page import and the ability to import a hierarchy of pages.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

1.1.1 - Fix typo with handleUnique variable
1.1.2 - Fix 'options' tag id that was causing grief with IE.  Fix bad HTML tags.
1.1.3 - Add ability to import custom file/image attributes for pages. Automatically create missing components of canonical_path.
1.1.4 - Add page_owner standard field for setting page owner on import
1.1.5 - Add ability to import image files from URLs
1.1.6 - Fix overlapping option values
1.1.7 - Add support for Product Sets (eCommerce 2.0)
1.1.8 - Add support for more than one Product Set per product (eCommerce 2.0)
1.1.9 - Add csv2xml.php script
1.2.0 - New version of XML parser.
1.2.1 - Fix bug in XML parser (multi-valued attributes).
1.3.0 - Add support for product import defaults.
1.3.1 - Add ability to disable creation of default product page blocks.
1.3.2 - Add support for simple boolean product options.
1.3.3 - Add image1/image2/.. import support for products (and fix image tag with multiple values).
1.3.4 - Add error checking/logging for situations where block type is missing and can't be added to page.
1.3.5 - Add ability to set default product image.  Add image caching (within a single batch of imports).
1.3.6 - Add support for prMinimumPurchaseQuantity, prRequiresLoginToPurchase,  and prUseTieredPricing.  Improve error handling for product images.
1.4.0 - Add support for price tiers.
1.4.1 - Changes to support apostrophe and special characters in product names.

concrete5.5.x Version

2.0.0 - Improve UI for concrete5.5.x.  Changes to support apostrophe ane special characters in product names.
2.0.1 - Improve import performance, rename remote image imports where name is not valid, allow parent page to be defined separately for each product (job interface), change required c5 version to 5.5
2.0.2 - Add support for meta_title, meta_keywords, and meta_description to product pages.
2.1.0 - Add support for Image File attributes
2.1.1 - Add support for Downloadable File attributes
2.1.2 - Improved error handling for case where file import fails
2.1.3 - Add support for importing local files with absolute path names. Return product from ImportHelper::createProduct() instead of TRUE.
2.1.4 - Fix bugs in customer import, fix customer import XML example
2.1.5 - Update help text
2.1.6 - Make sure unlimited quantity setting is unset if product import explicitly sets quantity.
2.2.0 - Add support for global product options.
2.3.0 - Add define for disabling eCommerce functionality (to allow page/user import without eCommerce).
2.3.1 - Fix typo in file cache code.
2.3.2 - UI compatibility changes for 5.6.
2.3.3 - Add check for invalid select options.
2.3.4 - Add check for invalid tier pricing data.
2.3.5 - Improve handling of tier pricing when there is only one valid tier.
2.3.6 - Fix minor errors in documentation.
2.4.0 - Add product delete feature.
2.4.1 - Fix for importing remote image files when local image directory is relative.
2.4.3 - Page import improvements.
2.4.4 - Add ability to delete by product ID. 
2.4.5 - Fix problems with product import defaults.
2.4.6 - Add support for IMPORT_MATCH_IMAGE_FILES_BY_NAME define value, which if true will force Import to use an existing file with the same basename instead of importing a new image.
2.4.7 - Add code to ignore empty product sets. 
2.4.8 - Fix price adjustment example code in context sensitive help. 
2.4.9 - If the use_tiered_pricing attribute is enabled and tier pricing data is provided, use that data inplace of existing tier data. Fix error when importing customer and attribute does not exist.
2.4.10 - Allow customers to be imported repeatedly (to update attributes or to import into multiple groups).
2.4.11 - Enhancements to order import: update status if provided with order id; support more status values; assign invoice #.