Importing User Attributes + Multiple User Groups

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Can you specify one or more user attributes during the user import?
Also, is there a way to apply >1 user group to the user during import?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
User import does not support custom attributes, but you can use the customer import to do so. The XML format is a bit different, but otherwise the effect is essentially the same. Note that when importing customers the billing and shipping attributes as shown in the example XML are optional.

Import is designed only to import users (or customers) into one group at a time. I did, however, just upload a new version of the package (2.4.10) to that allows for updates to existing customers. With this new version you can Import the same customer XML file repeatedly into different groups. Existing customers will be updated including adding the customer to the new group in addition to any previous groups the customer may have been in.
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
OK thanks, I just tried the new version. I got an error when trying to import the same user to a different group. Was the change only made for the Customer Import?
Can I use the customer import in place of the user import all together? Does it use the billing or shipping email field for user login?
I have some customers to add that only need user logins, but others that I will need to add more complete details including user attributes, so will use Customer Import for the latter group (based on your earlier reply).
I noticed in Customer XML example you have a full name field assigned for both shipping and billing, whereas my customer attributes have separate fields for first name and last name in both places. I don't recall how those were created, but should I be using the first name last name as in my db, or is the full name accommodated though some behind the scenes programming?
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, only customer import supports custom attributes. You can use the customer import in place of user import. There is very little difference between the two (other than the lack of custom attribute support for users).

Import will use the "customer_email" field for the user email (see the example XML)

The customer XML file included in the package is incorrect (thanks for pointing that out). Please refer instead to the online example XML, which is correct. You'll see that first name and last name are separate attributes there.
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
I just tried downloading the examples from the examples link in the second paragraph at They appear to be the same as what I got earlier. Is there somewhere else to look?
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
My apologies. I wasn't very clear. This is what I meant by the "online example XML":
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
Cool, thanks. That seems to do the trick.
FYI: the screen shot you linked to isn't shown on the screenshot link on the product page, so you might want to add that one too.
Thanks for the prompt assistance!
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
Is it possible to replace the Date Added to Group field within the import?
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
No, unfortunately, I don't think it is (not properly). The interface concrete5 provides for adding/updating groups handles that date.

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