Product Attribute Starting With A Number

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I have a Product Attribute called <3d_name>. When I add it to the XML file, it won't allow me to import the data. When I remove it, it imports fine. Is there something about XML or the Import addon that doesn't like the name starting with a number?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
I would not think a product attribute handle that starts with a number would be a problem, but I don't recall ever trying it myself. Have you checked the c5 log to see if there is an error there? It may provide more information.
TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes there is an error. Import Error: Invalid XML file. Check the following errors:
Fatal Error 5: Extra content at the end of the document (line 28, column: 1)
TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
I have seen this error before when there was a character outside the brackets, but I can't seem to find anything wrong with the syntax... <3d_name>Name</3d_name>, right?
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
I did a little research into this. It turns out it is illegal for XML tags to start with a number; the spec prohibits it. From what I've read there is no way around this. So, while Import doesn't care if the tag starts with a number, since Import is designed to use XML you will need to rename your product attribute.
TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great, man, just changed a couple of lines of code and the attribute name, and we should be all set. Thanks! Love your addon. Saves me hours of time.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Amiant CSS3 Menu (0.3), Awkward Slider (1.0.4), eCommerce (2.8.12), eCommerce Import (2.4.11), eCommerce Product Slider (1.1.4), FlexSlider (, Login (1.1.1), Mailing List (2.54), Photo Swipe (, Popup Login (1.0.5), Shop (1.2.4), Social Class (1.2), Zoom Image (1.0.5).

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blocks/amiant_css3_menu, blocks/autonav, blocks/flexslider, blocks/login, blocks/product_slider, blocks/social_class, elements/product, single_pages/register.php, themes/shop

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upload_max_filesize - 40M
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pcre.backtrack_limit - 100000
pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
session.cache_limiter - nocache
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soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5
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