Product Quantity Update

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Would this add on be good for updating stock quantities on products, or is it not really designed for something that simple?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, Import can be use to maintain stock levels. Some users have set up automated systems whereby stock data is retrieved from another database and then reflected in concrete5. Importing products and maintaining stock levels are the most common uses of Import.
youngsgarden replied on at Permalink Reply
Does the add on include a way to export product data?
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
eCommerce Import is designed to import data. It does not support exporting product information.

concrete5 Environment Information

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# concrete5 Packages
Breadcrumbs (2.0), Cube Testimonials (1.0.6), eCommerce (2.8.12), eCommerce One Page Checkout (2.0.3), Email List Signup (1.5.5), Galleria image gallery (2.0), Karma (1.0.1), MindNet Optimize MySQL database (1.11), Mobile Theme Switcher (1.2), Natural Essence (1.0), Navi Box (1.0), Slate Theme (, Superfish (1.1.5), Whale Nivo Image Slider (1.2).

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