Question regarding export/import of order info

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Hi there,

I am considering purchasing this add-on for my client but I want to be sure it will facilitate what we need.

My client deals with a large number of orders daily and would like to be able to handle their order management out-of-site with excel or similar spreadsheet software.

The Core Commerce add-on already natively supports the ability to export a list of orders.

I have two questions.

Can I download the exported .xls file from the core commerce orders page, edit, and then use eCommerce Import to import the new information?

And, does it import the order status along with other order information?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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CaptainPanda replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to clarify by 'other order information' I mean custom attributes. I am aware I may have to customize some code and that's fine I'm just wondering if you think its possible.

A little more explanation on exactly what I want to do: I want to do be able to download the Export Excel .XLS file, process the orders it contains offline (attach tracking numbers, and change the status column), and then import that file to update the existing orders.

From my understanding of the description of your product it seems it supports this natively but I just want to confirm. I am comfortable with custom coding and modification if need be but perhaps you could point me in the right direction when I purchase it (provided I have to make adjustments at all).
CaptainPanda replied on at Permalink Reply
My client wanted me to purchase the add-on any way for product and user updates, so I'll just have to work with you with a support ticket if I need help. You or a mod may close this question.

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